“The Slingatron [name first coined by inventor] is a brilliant idea based on old-fashioned mechanical engineering. It could be used as a public-highway space-transport system, reducing the cost of launching freight from the ground into space by a factor of a hundred. This book explains in detail how it works, and how it might be used for many mundane purposes besides space-launch.”

– Professor Freeman Dyson, Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

“The most Elegant Access to Space Option I am aware of by far.”

– Dr. Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center

“Dr. Tidman’s discovery and invention promises game-changing applications in space, energy, material processing, and defense. For example, by making it possible to supply and refuel single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicles while they are in orbit, the Slingatron holds the missing piece to a new, low-cost space age.”

– Dr. Chris Waychoff, Strategic Innovation, Northrop Grumman

“The slingatron concept is elegant in its simplicity and ingenious in its function. The slingatron could have been discovered many centuries ago, but it wasn’t. Derek Tidman did think of it, and he has spent a decade developing the slingatron mathematical theory into engineering designs that may revolutionize the cost of access to space. This book describes a technology that deserves serious attention.”

– Dr. Devon G. Crowe Engineering Fellow Raytheon Missile Systems

“In the field of hypervelocity launch, the Slingatron is a breath of much needed fresh air – a revolutionary concept based on simple physics and mechanical engineering principles that Newton would have understood, but which utilizes modern day materials and engineering techniques to allow performance far exceeding approaches using pulsed power. This is one to watch!”

– Dr. F. Douglas Witherspoon, President & Chief Scientist HyperV Technologies Corp.